​​​​​ECBA has two categories of membership: attorney members and paralegal members.


ECBA membership is open to individuals holding a valid license to practice law in one or more geographic areas under the jurisdiction of the United States and: (1) employed by, continually practicing law for and representing, or serving as a director, trustee, or similar position for one or more Voting Members of NRECA or (2) as determined by the ECBA Advisory Board, employed by an entity comprised of or working extensively with NRECA Voting Members.


ECBA membership is open to paralegals who are sponsored by a current ECBA attorney member, provide services related to one or more NRECA Voting Members and are employed by or with an ECBA member, by NRECA or by an NRECA Voting Member. Their membership will end if their sponsoring member’s membership ends (unless another attorney member sponsors their membership). Paralegal members are non-voting members. While paralegal members will be able to monitor discussions on the ECBA email Discussion List, they will not be able to send or reply to email on the List.

Complete a Paralegal Member Application Form Online