Benefit and Compensation Data

NCG Surveys

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​National Compensation System (NCS)

The National Compensation System contains salary information by job category for all rural electric distribution cooperatives that participate in at least one insurance program administered by the Insurance and Financial Services (I&FS) Department of NRECA. The salary figures shown in the NCS report are based on the actual salaries of current co-op employees, which co-ops reported to I&FS as of November 15 of the previous year. The information in the NCS report contains data for distribution co-ops only, although any system in the rural electric program may subscribe to the survey.

Order the National Compensation System

National Benefits Survey (NBS)

Conducted every other year, the NBS provides comprehensive information regarding benefits packages offered by co-ops. It provides information on benefits offered, and most important, the costs of those benefits. The data is broken down by co-op type and size indicators. If you would like to order the latest version of the NBS (2015), please contact Miki Snyders,, 712-477-2617.

National Directors Survey (NDS)

The NDS provides information regarding payments to board members, along with board practices and policies. This information is critical in making determinations regarding the appropriateness of your board's payment package. Periodically, the NDS also contains a supplement that provides detailed information regarding attorney and auditor compensation and utilization of attorneys and auditors by co-ops.



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