Board compensation should be commensurate with the time, efforts, and demands of the board's work. However, aligning that compensation with other boards, the industry, and the board's expectations can be challenging. Our team leverages both industry and co-op exclusive data to ensure that your board’s compensation is benchmarked appropriately.
How We Work With You
NRECA’s Board Compensation Benchmarking Analysis provides national, regional, and peer group benchmarking information to allow the board to have a more productive discussion on board compensation at their cooperative.
The Board Compensation Benchmarking Analysis compares the cooperative's board compensation with other cooperatives nationally and regionally. In addition, the compensation is compared with a peer group of cooperatives selected to roughly mirror the subject cooperative, usually in size, kWh sales, revenue and/or other factors.
Only NRECA Consulting Services has access to the proprietary information in the
National Directors Survey. The NRECA Board Compensation Benchmarking Analysis uses the best electric cooperative and broad data available to create the report for your cooperative.