
The content in this package is designed to help your cooperative communicate about key topics of interest to young adults using channels and alternative story formats meant to spur engagement and action.

The first document is an email welcome series to initiate engagement among your newest members. Anecdotal evidence indicates that co-ops that implement an email welcome series see enhanced engagement and satisfaction scores among this cohort. The remainder of the material presents additional email and social media content to supplement your existing content and provide fresh ideas for how to reach this audience in new ways.

As with NRECA's and Touchstone Energy's other communications resources, the content is completely customizable based on your co-op's programs, services and the communications tools and information you have available. Supplement this content with your own images or select images from the Young Adult Member Engagement Image Library. This content also can be repurposed across other platforms as appropriate.

  1. Email welcome series for new members

  2. Community service project email, press release and photo slideshow ideas

  3. Operation Round Up email and photo slideshow ideas

  4. Youth Tour email and quiz ideas

  5. Renewable energy email, social posts and quiz ideas

  6. Saving Energy/Saving Money—a slideshow

  7. Energy efficiency rebates press release, email and social post