Communication Toolkits and Research

About Our Toolkits and Research

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Research and Guides


Research and Guides

Reputatio​​​n Management and Crisis Communications Guides

​ Cybersecurity and co-op governance practices present two particularly sign​ificant repu​tation management challenges for electric co-ops.​

NRECA Lexicon ​Project

​When communicating with our members, it's critical that we use language that they understand. NRECA has conducted consumer research to develop a shared lexicon for electric co-ops to use when communicating with their members on priority issues.​

2022 State Of Electric Cooperative Communications Survey Find​​ings

Distribution co-ops, G&Ts and statewide associations can use the survey findings to assess their communications and marketing strategies and benchmark them against industry norms.​

Always On Com​​munication

​The Always on Report is a product of The "Al​ways On" initiative, which seeks to help electric co-ops stay connected to their members in this era of rapid change.​