The NRECA Business & Technology Strategies (BTS) department’s Resource Adequacy and Markets (RA/M) work group helps electric cooperatives address new or changing regulatory proposals involving markets, standards, development, pricing and other related issues. In particular, the work group helps co-ops analyze resource adequacy and market issues and initiatives and rates and price formation. The work group also updates co-ops on developments in regional transmission organizations, markets and reliability, distribution market structure and resource adequacy and pricing.
Available Resources
Reports, articles, white papers and other resources related to Resource Adequacy and Markets may be found here: Topics > Power Supply and Wholesale Markets.
Subject Matter Expert for Questions on Resource Adequacy and Markets
Co-ops are encouraged to contact the RA/M work group lead with questions, comments and suggestions about current projects and the research agenda:
Michael Leitman,, 703-907-5864