
Representation: The CAB, composed of representatives from a diverse range of cooperatives across all ten regions, will serve as the voice of the rural utility sector. They will provide crucial contributions by sharing valuable data and insights into their interconnection processes, thereby playing a pivotal role in shaping the REWIRED initiative. This role offers the opportunity to influence the direction of the initiative and ensure that it meets the needs of the rural utility sector.

Alignment with Priorities and Goals: The CAB will play a key role in ensuring that the programming developed under the REWIRED initiative aligns with its set priorities and program goals. This alignment will ensure that the initiative’s actions and outcomes are in sync with its overarching objectives, providing members with the opportunity to shape the initiative's strategic direction.

Data Contribution: The CAB will contribute valuable data and offer insights into their interconnection processes. This contribution will be instrumental in streamlining utility workflow and processes, thereby reducing the soft costs associated with EVSE interconnections. This role provides members with the opportunity to directly impact the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the initiative.

Utility EVSE Interconnection Experience Assessment: NRECA Research will conduct a detailed Utility EVSE Interconnection Experience Assessment of the participating co-ops. Additionally, an initial general assessment of EVSE among the broader rural utility community will be conducted. This role provides CAB members with the opportunity to review the process, including areas of inconsistency, duplication of efforts, sources of bottlenecks hindering response time, and overall barriers. The knowledge sharing will influence the initiative's understanding of EVSE interconnection experience.

Guidebook Development: One of the main products of REWIRED is to develop a guidebook. The guidebook will outline standardized technical requirements, safety standards, and methodologies for constructing and interconnecting EVSE to expedite the EV interconnection process. In addition, the guidebook will also include standardized procedures, checklists, and templates for applications. The standardized EV interconnection workflow improvements and project deliverables to the participating co-ops, serving as a valuable resource for the rural utility sector. This role provides members with the opportunity to contribute to a valuable resource that will benefit the entire rural utility sector.

Software Dashboard Development: Another major project of REWIRED is to develop a digital dashboard to accurately assess distribution grid capacity and determine if additional charging loads can be accommodated. Additionally, the tool can be used for distribution planning to ensure that the grid can support the increased demand for energy associated with EV charging while promoting the adoption of EVs in rural and underserved areas. The dashboard would then assess the site's feasibility for EVSE, including an examination of the site's electrical infrastructure, load capacity, and potential interconnection requirements, and provide recommendations for grid updates. During the beta testing, CAB members will perform strategic testing and provide feedback on the tool.

Feedback Channel: The CAB will serve as a conduit for feedback from the rural utility sector. This feedback will be vital in assessing the overall impact and effectiveness of the REWIRED project, ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of the rural utility sector. This role provides members with the opportunity to influence the initiative based on their unique insights and experiences.

External Partner Engagement: NRECA Research will strive to incorporate community partners as identified by the CAB and external partners. This approach will ensure comprehensive and equitable engagement for feedback and input, thereby enriching the initiative with diverse perspectives. This role provides members with the opportunity to build relationships with external partners and broaden the initiative's reach.

Workforce Skill Assessment: The CAB stakeholders will assist in conducting a skill assessment of the current workforce across the rural electric cooperative landscape. This assessment will provide valuable insights into the existing skills within the workforce and identify areas for improvement or development. This role provides members with the opportunity to shape workforce development strategies and ensure that the workforce is equipped to meet the challenges of the future.

Dissemination of Knowledge: NRECA Research will aim to share the insights gained from the REWIRED initiative beyond the NRECA family. This will include forums such as NARUC, NASEO, DOE, the Joint Office for Transportation and Energy, and other regionally specific forums identified by CAB members. This role provides members with the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences with a wider audience.

NRECA Research REWIRED Roles and Responsibilities

Project Management: NRECA Research will be responsible for overall project management, including planning, execution, monitoring, and closure. This includes setting project goals, developing a project plan, and ensuring the project stays on schedule and within budget.

Stakeholder Engagement: NRECA Research will be responsible for engaging with all stakeholders involved in the project, including the Cooperative Advisory Board (CAB), external partners such as utility stakeholders, agencies, EV manufacturers, charging station operators, and consumer advocacy groups. This includes facilitating communication, addressing concerns, and incorporating feedback.

Technical Standards Development: NRECA Research will be responsible for establishing industry-wide technical standards for EV charging infrastructure interconnection, leveraging the expertise and insights of the CAB.

Resource Development: NRECA Research will develop resources and tools that are relevant and effective for the rural utility sector, such as the guidebook for standardized EV interconnection workflow improvements and the digital platform.

Workforce Development: NRECA Research will address workforce development, including conducting a skill assessment of the current workforce and developing a skill improvement plan based on identified skill gaps.