Residential distributed generation (DG) may still be in its youth, but continues to grow fast—and with it, increasing requests to utilities for interconnections. Meter collars are a method for providing safe, cost effective interconnections for residential and some small commercial and industrial applications. This article profiles a commercial product, the ConnectDER*, a meter collar developed to reduce the cost and risk of interconnecting residential photovoltaic (PV) systems.
Note: The information herein is largely provided by the product developer; however, it has been reviewed by our technical experts. Our analysis has led us to believe this could be a potential interconnection solution for utilities developing distributed energy programs, and cooperatives would benefit from knowing about ConnectDER. As NRECA’s Business and Technology Strategies remains technology and vendor neutral, we will continue to track this and other interconnection technology and provide future updates as available.
Value to Electric Cooperatives
Cooperatives are in a position where they need to respond to interconnection requests, and define processes and procedures to support their desired business model. Struggles have surfaced between utilities defending their interconnection requirements and developers trying to comply with the interconnection requirements as economically as possible. Until a standardized interface is developed and accepted by utilities, distributed generation developers, and regulators, these struggles over interconnection issues are likely to continue.
Engineering, Operations, Member Services