Electric demand is swiftly becoming a significant variable in the U.S. due to changes on the supply side like intermittent renewables and increasing electrification. These changes in the market environment have led to more time-of-use and peak pricing programs across the country, and utilities are looking at new strategies and technologies for demand response (DR) over previous SCADA/load control switches — one solution is smart thermostats.

Advancements in thermostat technology have introduced connected and smart thermostats into the broader consumer electronics market and led more utilities to consider using these technologies for DR programs. Electric cooperatives are using smart thermostats to provide cost-management options to individual members to increase their satisfaction and engagement, while also giving the cooperative tools to manage the operation of the distribution grid, defer distribution investment, avoid purchasing energy during high-cost periods, and reduce wholesale demand charges.

Article: Do Smart Thermostats Make for Smart Demand Response Programs?