
Electric utilities routinely use weathering steel (WS) in transmission line structures, capitalizing on corrosion resistance and associated cost savings. The formation of a protective iron-oxide patina on uncoated above-ground WS surfaces depends on the operating environment and exposure conditions. In fact, exposure to common aggressive environments, such as those found in sulfate contaminated industrial areas and chloride-laden coastal areas, may dramatically hinder the corrosion resistance of WS transmission line structures.

Value to Electric Cooperatives

The resulting information, data and evidence offer the means to practically understand the combined impact of the environmental corrosivity parameters examined, together with other factors influencing corrosion behavior (e.g., design and detailing). In particular, it is demonstrated how the results of field inspections and measurements, and laboratory characterization tests, can be used to understand present and future susceptibility to corrosion damage.


Engineering & Operations Staff


Report Brief
Report Presentation
Full Report

For more information about this project, please contact Business & Technology Strategies.