This project was initiated to identify the failure rates used by utilities for station equipment. It examines the failure rate values of fifteen (15) surveyed CEATI member utilities on up to twenty (20) various types of electrical apparatus. Several of these equipment types are further broken down into age groups in which relative failure rates are identified. Since this is not a rigorous statistical analysis, the survey results are compared with more detailed studies to support their validity.
Value to Electric Cooperatives
There is a need to accurately determine the failure rates for different types of station apparatus and to examine the trends of such rates as an important component of equipment strategy. An increasing trend may indicate that the equipment is approaching its end of life and that specific maintenance, spare parts and replacement strategies should be considered. Management and external regulators require that asset managers justify spare part requirements and how these requirements compare to other utilities.
Engineering & Operations Staff
Station Equipment Failure Rates - Appendix B
Station Equipment Failure Rates - Appendix C
Station Equipment Failure Rates Report
For more information about this project, please contact Business and Technology Strategies.