
Some of the existing transmission lines in North America were built at the beginning of the twentieth century. As the structures deteriorate over time, it becomes necessary to replace some of the members of the supporting structures, or, in some cases, the complete structure. Moreover, these structures were designed in accordance with the requirements of the standards at the time they were built, and over the intervening period, the requirements of the standards have changed significantly.

Value to Electric Cooperatives

This report reviews the requirements for transmission lines (with particular reference to structural design of steel lattice towers) in the historic North American codes and standards such as NESC, CSA, and GO 95, and compares them with the present day requirements, in order to generate a deeper understanding of design practices and material specifications. This understanding will allow transmission utilities to do two things: establish the adequacy of the existing structures to withstand anticipated environmental and other loading conditions, and make informed decisions regarding refurbishment or replacement of existing structures.


Engineering & Operations staff


Report Brief
Report Presentation
Full Report

For more information about this project, please contact Business and Technology Strategies.