​​The Energy Storage Toolkit is intended to help cooperatives assess and implement energy storage solutions, and is comprised of two parts:

  • Financial Screening for Energy Storage that provides a structure for calculating the financial benefits (including net present value, return on investment, and simple payback) of energy storage for 17 different applications , as identified in the 2010 Sandia National Laboratory report "Energy Storage for the Electricity Grid: Benefits and Market Potential Assessment Guide".

  • Procurement Templates that provide guidance for how to acquire energy storage systems via Request for Proposal (RFP) and Request for Information (RFI) templates.

These documents support the DOE/EPRI 2015 Electricity Storage Handbook in collaboration with NRECA. This Handbook includes a comprehensive database of the cost of current storage systems in a wide variety of electric utility and customer services, along with interconnection schematics. A list of significant past and present energy storage projects is provided for a practical perspective.

Value to Electric Cooperatives

Energy storage (ES) has the potential to offer significant benefits to electric utilities, including lowering peak billing demand; supporting the transmission and distribution (T&D) system; deferring T&D upgrades; and providing frequency regulation, spinning reserve, volt/VAR control, transmission congestion relief, and other benefits. However, since energy storage is a developing technology, many electric cooperatives interested in pursuing ES face the challenge of evaluating options without long track records or established technical performance specifications.

The Energy Storage Toolkit provides an initial framework through which cooperatives are able to identify appropriate ES applications and then incorporate their co-op specific details to screen those applications based on the financial benefits they provide. The RFI and RFP templates are technology-neutral, application-focused documents aimed to prompt vendor response on as many potential solutions as possible for co-op consideration during their procurement process. This engagement and solicitation of feedback from broad range of energy storage vendors is a critical step in the procurement process for technologies in early maturity stages such as energy storage.


Finance, Engineering, System Planners, Executive Management


RDE MAG, Energy Storage, Batteries, ES Screening Tool


Request for Information Templates

Request for Proposal Templates