This report reviews the literature on the dynamic response of a Transmission Line (TL) system under a conventional atmospheric boundary layer as well as non-synoptic wind loading (downbursts and tornadoes). Gust-induced response for the conductors and towers is covered and limitations in the current structural design codes for wind loading are identified. Four central sections are considered in this study covering synoptic wind loading, downburst, tornado loading, and conclusions and recommendations.
A numerical model capable of predicting the dynamic response of a multi-span transmission line system under both the mean and fluctuating components of synoptic wind loads was previously developed in house at The University of Western Ontario. In the report the model is validated experimentally using results of a previous aero-elastic test of a multi-spanned transmission line system conducted at the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory at the University of Western Ontario.
Value to Electric Cooperatives
The report provides important design considerations for both synoptic and non-synoptic winds. At the end of the document, a list of the major existing gaps in the current design codes is provided as well as recommendations for their revision.
Engineering & Operations Staff
Report Presentation
Report Volume 1: Literature Review
Report Volume 2: Computer Simulation & Numerical Models
For more information about this project, please contact Business and Technology Strategies.