
​​​The CREC is composed of at least nine distribution cooperative representatives and at least one member from a statewide and one from a G&T. The CREC also strives to maintain at least one representative from each of NRECA’s 10 geographic regions. Through resignations and retirements, the CREC can usually expect to fill 2-3 vacancies per year.

Co-op communicator vacancies on the Council of Rural Electric Communicators are filled by a vote of the CREC from nominations made by a standing committee on nominations. The nominations committee seeks experienced communicators from a diversity of electric co-ops, regions, and communication backgrounds. Nominees must be employees of NRECA-member electric utilities. CREC members from affiliated organizations, such as NRECA, Touchstone Energy, CFC, Federated, the CCC Board of Directors, and NRTC are appointed separately by those organizations. CREC members may serve for a maximum of three consecutive three-year terms.

Interested​ in Serving?

To be considered for CREC membership, you should complete and submit the form below. Nominations are accepted at any time. The CREC Nominating Committee will review all applications and will present, for consideration by the full CREC, all qualified applicants from regions in which there is an open CREC position.​

Fill out my online form.
