
​​​​NRECA and its affiliates are pleased to have your organization indicate an interest in exploring business opportunities with us.

NRECA is the national service organization for more than 900 not-for-profit rural electric cooperatives and public power districts providing retail electric service to more than 42 million consumers in 47 states with retail sales accounting for approximately 12 percent of total electricity sales in the United States. NRECA affiliates include NRECA International Foundation, Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives, Wood Quality Control, Homestead Funds, NRECA Group Benefits, and Cooperative Benefit Administrators. Please review our Purchase Order Terms & Conditions(PDF).

As an existing or prospective Supplier of NRECA, your organization has the opportunity to join our National Discounts Program (NDP). This discount program is accessible to our more than 900 member co-ops that NRECA supports. For further information concerning this program please review How to Become a Prospective NDP Supplier (PDF).

Suggest a Discount for NRECA's National Discounts Program

Want to make your products available to NRECA members at a discounted rate? Suggest the discount with the form below, and we'll get back to you! Questions: