
NRECA realizes that we learn and grow by hearing stories from others. We use several platforms to help our members and their partners tell their stories that we believe will help other co-ops. These platforms range from face-to-face meetings and conferences, printed articles in RE Magazine, articles on, podcasts, social media posts, webinars, and more. If you are an Associate Member of NRECA, we believe you are committed to serving the electric co-ops and we want to hear your stories too! These ideas and stories will be reviewed by several staff at NRECA and, if there is a way we can incorporate your story into one of our platforms, we will be in touch soon!

Stories can be submitted anytime throughout the year. There’s no guarantee that your ideas/stories will be chosen to be used at one of our events or within one of our communication platforms. However, if we do want to know more, so we can learn more from you, we will call you directly, before we share any details on your story.

Annual Conferences & Meetings Schedule

Questions to Consider:

  1. Is your story educational or a sales marketing proposal?
  2. What are the actionable items that listeners will take away from this story?
  3. Is this a Co-op/Vendor partnership story?
  4. Is the idea a real-world case study or more theoretical/academic?
  5. How applicable is this story to cooperatives?
  6. Which of the cooperative principles, if any, does the story address?

Cooperative Principles

  1. Voluntary and Open Membership – Everyone in the service territory is welcome to be a member.
  2. Democratic Member Control – Every member has a say in every major decision.
  3. Members’ Economic Participation – Co-op members put equity into the cooperative.
  4. Autonomy and Independence – Cooperatives are self-reliant and self-governed organizations.
  5. Education, Training & Information – Cooperatives educate members, elected representatives, and the public, particularly young people and opinion leaders.
  6. Cooperative Among Cooperatives – By working together, electric cooperatives become a powerful national network.
  7. Concern for Community – Cooperatives focus on the needs of the community at large.