[image-caption title="Touchstone%20Energy%20Cooperatives%20has%20produced%20free%20COVID-19%20radio%20spots%20and%20social%20media%20ads%20for%20all%20electric%20co-ops.%20(Image%20Courtesy%20of%20Touchstone%20Energy)" description="%20" image="%2Fnews%2FPublishingImages%2FCOVID19-your-ad-here.jpg" link="%2Fnews%2FPublishingImages%2FCOVID19-your-ad-here.jpg" linking="lightbox" width="300" css-code="float%3Aright%3B%0Amargin-left%3A5px%3B" css_code_compiled=".dynamic-unique-shortpoint-class-name%20%7B%20float%3Aright%3B%0Amargin-left%3A5px%3B%20%7D" /]
As the COVID-19 pandemic wears on, are you looking for new, comforting messages to remind members to stay safe?
Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives and its advertising agency, Harvest Creative Services, just released a set of ad materials for all co-ops, regardless of participation in the brand program. The two radio spots and four social media ads contain messages on safety protocols during the pandemic.
The rapid deployment of the ads “demonstrates a great strength of the Touchstone Energy model, which in this case enabled our team to respond to a new reality across our membership,” said Jeffrey Connor, NRECA’s chief operating officer and Touchstone Energy’s interim executive director.
The campaign consists of two 30-second radio ads and four animated ads for social media channels. Each format contains versions for Touchstone Energy members and non-members. The ads, and NRECA’s new #PowerOn logo, can be found in the COVID-19 resources section on
Touchstone Energy’s website or
NRECA’s Straight Talk website.
“These turnkey resources are provided to save time and get co-ops’ messaging up on their websites and social media channels to position them as the trusted source for their members,” said Mary Ann Cristiano, Touchstone Energy’s director of marketing, advertising and digital strategy.
The ads remind the public to wash their hands frequently, maintain social distancing and stay home. The ads also contain themes of connectedness, common purpose and hope.
That’s important during a time of crisis and uncertainty, said Steve Curran, president and creative director of Harvest Creative Services in Lansing, Michigan. He estimates that the campaign is valued at about $70,000.
“People have been robbed of every semblance of normalcy, which leaves a big void,” said Curran. “As marketers and advertisers, it’s really important that we fill that void with meaningful messaging and experiences that inform, inspire and, if possible, empower people, which we are trying to do with these ads.”
For more information, please contact Mary Ann Cristiano,
MaryAnn.Cristiano@nreca.coop, 571-388-8676.