As is the case every April, NRECA is celebrating lineworkers by highlighting the men and women who help keep the lights on in homes across America.

The risks and sacrifices that lineworkers make each day are well known. Extreme weather, treacherous conditions and unpredictable hours are routine parts of the job.

But lineworkers do more than just keep the lights on and their communities safe. NRECA asked for member co-ops to share stories of lineworkers who have gone above and beyond—both on the job and in the community. As the gallery above shows, these lineworkers are trusted deeply by the communities they serve. They have rescued pets, put out fires, performed CPR in emergency situations, driven convoys across states to deliver materials following a natural disaster—and have even helped rescue a member trapped in an excavator.

NRECA salutes the brave lineworkers who help keep the lights on and our communities safe.