As the issue of rural broadband garners unprecedented attention across the country, NRECA member cooperatives will have an exclusive platform to connect with industry experts to learn about digital network strategies.

On June 3, NRECA, together with premier sponsor NRTC, will host the first Broadband and Digital Infrastructure Summit. The virtual half-day event will bring electric co-ops together with industry leaders on broadband deployment and digital infrastructure.

The summit will offer two general sessions and six breakouts that will cover key topics like the state of the broadband industry and how to maximize the value of a fiber backbone.

“The path forward for electric cooperatives includes continued investment in their communities with the latest technologies," said Paul Breakman, who leads the cooperative business solutions unit as a vice president in NRECA's Business and Technology Strategies department.

“This summit will help co-ops assess the value of leveraging reliable, high-bandwidth backbone investments to deliver broadband services to consumer-members and communities, either directly or through a third party. Now is a great time for co-ops to get their questions answered."

President Joe Biden, in his April 28 address to Congress, prioritized broadband internet access for every American, including the 35% he said live in unserved communities, and tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the charge. Harris visited New Hampshire Electric Cooperative on April 23 to learn how the Plymouth-based co-op built 100 miles of fiber in 100 days.

“More than 200 electric co-ops are reinvesting in rural America by bringing broadband access to rural homes, businesses and schools," Breakman said. “As co-ops continue to innovate and reinvest in their economies, this inaugural summit will explore challenges and opportunities surrounding utility and community digitalization."

Visit the Broadband and Digital Infrastructure Summit page to register.

Explore NRECA's resources on broadband.