[well title="2024%20G%26T%20Resource%20Planning%20Association%20Presentation%20Materials"]
Presentation materials from the 2024 G&T Resource Planning Association Conference are now available for download. Cooperative.com. login and password is required to access the presentations.
[button title="Download%20Presentation%20Materials" link="https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cooperative.com%2Fpeople-networking%2Fgt-planning%2FPages%2Fdefault.aspx" /]
Who Should Attend
- Generation Planners
- Transmission Planners
- Engineers
- Operations
- General Managers
Presentation Topics
- Modeling software
- Resource adequacy
- Carbon emissions accounting/reporting
- How to place EV charging infrastructure
- Large Industrial loads
What Your Peers Have to Say
"The annual Resource Planner’s Association Conference has always been a great way to keep up with the major drivers that impact the planning environment. Whether the topic is environmental policy, generation technology, wholesale market design or the latest trends in the planning models themselves, the conference brings them together in one place. But, for me, the most important part of the conference has been the opportunity to share ideas and experiences with other cooperative planners from across the country.”
“The Resource Planning Conference is a great place to meet up with others who are grappling with the existing and emerging challenges facing G&T’s. The conference provides excellent presentations and ample opportunities for informal chats and making connections. I’ve found the conference provides a great opportunity to hear from others further down roads we are approaching as well as a being a good source for getting feedback on our perspectives.”