Who is the target audience for this course?
Electric cooperative directors who have completed their CCD more than three years ago. Directors who have recently completed their CCD may find the information repetitive. Those who completed the CCD courses years ago will find it valuable to review the foundational knowledge and skills required of cooperative directors and gain an understanding of what has changed.
Is this course for Directors only?
No. The course is designed for all members of cooperative leadership including General Managers/CEOs and directors. All General Managers/CEOs are invited to attend the course without having completed the CCD.
Do directors need to complete the CCD before they can enroll in BLC 990.1 CCD Refresher?
Yes. Directors must have completed their CCD before enrolling in this course.
What topics are covered in this course?
This course will be a refresher of core governance topics discussed throughout the CCD curriculum: board responsibilities, financial oversight, strategic planning, the co-op business model, and governance fundamentals. It will also discuss governance issues that have evolved over the past 3-5 years in such areas as fiduciary duty, safety, member issues, risk, power supply, technology, and finance.
What is the duration of the course?
The in-person version of BLC 990.1 CCD Refresher will be offered in one full day of instruction similar to other BLC courses. The online version of the course will be available over a one or two-day period. For details, contact Brianne.Mcintyre@nreca.coop.
Will directors who complete the course earn course credit?
Yes. One BLC credit (in-person and online) will be issued to all directors completing BLC 990.1. That credit can be applied to the BLC or Director Gold.
Is there a learning assessment at the end of the course?
How long should directors wait to take BLC 990.1 after completing their CCD?
It is recommended (but not required) to wait at least three years before taking the 990.1 CCD Refresher.
Where will this course be offered?
This course will be offered at NRECA-sponsored events and will be offered online by NRECA. It will also be available to statewides and to individual cooperatives to book for on-site delivery. For details, contact Brianne.Ncintyre@nreca.coop.
Who will teach this course?
Facilitators include, but are not limited to, Scott Luecal, Bryan Singletary, and Kevin Sump.