

Describe your current role and your responsibilities.
Currently, I am the Dire​ctor of Finance and Accounting and oversee the accounting and billing functions of the organization.

​​In general, how has the Management Internship Program (MIP) helped you in your work and in your career?
MIP was a great experience that allowed me network outside my field, as well as learn how to communicate better with my co-workers, as well as the Board of Directors. Technical knowledge is a given, but I learned that if I cannot communicate it in a way that others can understand, it is useless. Understanding how others see things and leveling the playing field through communication creates a better experience for all parties.

What’s one thing from MIP that has made a difference for you?
Soft skills training in managing people has made a difference in my day-to-day work life, as well as other aspects of my life.

What is something you’ve approached differently or had greater success with because of what you learned from MIP?
I have definitely approached presentations differently because of this training. I really did not look forward to presentation skills portion of the MIP curriculum, but found it to be the most valuable.

If you were telling a peer or colleague about MIP, what would you want them to know? In other words, what advice would you give someone considering the MIP?
Six weeks out of the office seems a little overwhelming when you think about the course work, plus your daily responsibilities at work, but it is worth it! MIP gives new perspective to the things you have always done and exposes you to other aspects of cooperatives in a way you could never experience at your own co-op.