1. Describe your current role and your responsibilities.
My current role is the CFO where I oversee all the Accounting and Finances of the Cooperative as well as Human Resources and Property/Work Comp Insurance coverage.
2. In general, how has the Cooperative Financial Professional Certificate (CFPC) helped you in your work and in your career?
The networking alone was worth the trip, but I also gained a lot of experience and knowledge going through the Capstone project. It introduced me to a new software program and a new way of thinking/looking at the cooperative business model.
3. What’s one thing from CFPC that has made a difference for you?
One thing that made a difference is learning about the different rate structures. It helped prepare me for my cooperatives rate study. I came into the process much more confident having never gone through it before.
4. What is something you’ve approached differently or had greater success with because of what you learned from CFPC?
5. What advice would you give someone considering the CFPC?
Advice I would give to a prospective CFPC is it is well worth the time. Not only do you learn a lot but you are able to have fun and talk shop with colleagues outside of the classroom.