Describe your current role and your responsibilities.
I serve the Indiana cooperative and I'm a regional consultant. My region is the northeast territory. I have a fifth of the state and I go on a monthly basis to each co-op and provide them with regulatory compliance matter, reviewing policy, safety, manual, procedures or any sort of programs that OSHA or any other compliance agency may require. I provide training on an annual basis and essentially respond to any of their needs. Any spectrum from just regulatory compliance, to hands on training.

How has the program, the CLCP, how has it helped you grow or gain more skills or strengthen your skills? I finished 18 months ago and got my approval last July of 2018. It's been huge and instrumental in my development for teaching adults, especially adults who primarily work in the field or with their hands. They don't do much of in the office sitting or sedentary position. So being able to go through CLCP and understanding how adults work and then having multiple ways of teaching them, not just through PowerPoint but hands on activities, or you utilizing videos or creating videos. Making sure that there is actual learning experience for more of a behavioral standpoint than just sitting in a classroom. And I'm trying to absorb death by PowerPoint.

What’s one thing from CLCP that has made a difference for you?
You know, a lot of the benefits I gained from CLCP was the networking with my other co-learners. We can bounce ideas off each other even though we all live in different parts of the country and getting other input makes, I feel like makes my presentations a lot more well-rounded.

What is something you’ve approached differently or had greater success with because of what you learned from CLCP?
I'm a subject matter expert when it comes to, OSHA and any sort of other regulatory agency and the workers are specialists in their trade and their art. Instead of trying to shove a whole bunch of regulatory information into their face, we can have a discussion about what works for them, if it meets regulatory needs, and then I can be creative with coming up with a better program they would actually be able to utilize, feel comfortable and work safer because they had a voice in it. I tried to use my presentations to get them to be comfortable with coming to me and having a discussion about their work practices. Instead of you just giving them rules, I tried to get them to be more involved with understanding the rules and understanding why they were written. Then also if they have any concerns, getting them to feel comfortable with sharing them instead of just sitting in a classroom and then going along their merry way.

What advice would you give someone who's considering CLCP?
To me it's better, sooner than later. Everything is better sooner than later working on your project sooner. Once you start, the more you'll be able to apply what you learn in each seminar to your project. Sometimes I had wished I started my project the first time I got subject. And then there was some time in between I wished I had used what I had learned earlier instead of having to kind of use my memory. My advice would be the sooner the better and then everything you can do when you attend the seminar try to apply to your project.

It's more valuable the more I grow away from the experience. I was kind of sad when it was over. I still am in connection with all my classmates and I have many more projects that I can review now. I'm in the society, we can utilize each other's projects then. Um, I think I use my CLTV knowledge more and more the further I grow away from it. But it's something, it's a tool I'll never