[image-caption title="Georgia%20EMC's%20Sunbelt%20Agricultural%20Expo%20Exhibit%20delivers%20messages%20about%20electric%20safety%2C%20energy%20efficiency%20and%20legislative%20concerns." description="%20" image="%2Fcfc%2FPublishingImages%2Fpeach-state-director-presents-checks-to-gemc-at-virtual-board-me-800.png" /]
CFC District 2 Board Director Anthony Norton expressed gratitude for Georgia Electric Membership Corporation’s support of CFC and presented checks to the cooperative at its June 8 virtual board meeting.
Norton, who is a director at Snapping Shoals Electric Membership Corporation and former director with Georgia EMC, noted that CFC continues to be “well-positioned” to continue supporting electric cooperatives during these unprecedented times.
One of the important ways that CFC continues to support members, he said, is through the Educational Fund. The fund was founded in 1981 to provide grants to assist in promoting cooperative principles. Norton noted that CFC has allocated nearly $14 million to statewide associations to date—with $531,500 allocated to Georgia alone.
Since 2009, NCSC has allocated more than $863,000 for youth programs to foster an awareness of the cooperative business model.
Norton presented checks from CFC and NCSC for a combined total of $31,400. The funds will be used to support the Georgia EMC Sunbelt Agricultural Expo Exhibit as well as workforce development materials for the youth of Georgia EMC.