CFC has launched the first season of the CFC Solutions Cast, a fresh podcast series with episodes curated for busy electric cooperative leaders on the go. The podcast includes conversations with leading electric utility industry and financial experts focused on the most important topics facing cooperatives.
Episode 1
The first Solutions Cast 20-minute episode includes a conversation about the benefits of electric cooperatives communicating what makes cooperative business model unique, self-governance and the mission to provide reliable and affordable essential services to rural America. Leaders will learn how well positioned cooperatives are to align their efforts with consumer-member and investor environmental, social and governance expectations.
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Episode 2
The second episode highlights how the evolving rate design landscape is being driven by new technologies, providing electric cooperatives with access to more data and insights as they adapt to changing consumer behaviors and needs. Listeners will learn how smart meter data are playing an important role in the rate design process, what factors are driving rate design decisions and what these could mean for electric cooperatives and their consumers.
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Make sure to subscribe to CFC Solutions Cast today so you won’t miss what’s coming next.