CFC recently completed work on a third case study covering the design process and implementation of member-centric electric vehicle (EV) programs. The studies highlight three different approaches to implementing dynamic pricing to support current and future member EV adoption and various levels of home charging.

“Members are beginning to bring us into the fold earlier in the process to collaboratively develop and provide feedback on EV home program policy and technology considerations,” CFC Vice President of Regulatory Affairs Jason Strong said. “Early evaluation of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) data is critical to ensure a robust analysis and accurate development of rates that align with anticipated outcomes. It is important to determine—sooner than later—if AMI meter data is sufficient enough to draw conclusions.”

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, Strong explained that a traditional time-of-use (TOU) rate utilizing existing metering and charging capabilities (Level 1) may not be as effective as expected and miss the mark on what residential members are looking for from their cooperative and in an EV program.

CFC noted the key questions they are hearing from members during rate design and EV program projects:

  • Is the cooperative’s AMI meter data sufficient to inform program and rate decisions?

  • How will technology decisions affect the type of available rate design options?

  • What is the best way to get residential customer feedback on EV program expectations?

  • How will new residential or commercial installations of Level 2 charging affect rate design decisions and EV program mechanics?

Rate Design Case Studies Are Now Available for CFC Members

Three rate design case studies that answer these questions are now available for CFC members to download and review from the CFC Industry Insights page on the CFC Member Website.

EV Programs Will Need to Evolve to Meet Changing Member Expectations

“EV programs and accompanying rate designs will need to evolve over time as EV adoption increases,” Strong said. “As market share of EVs increases on a system, so does the cost of system upgrades. TOU rates can—in the short term—shift loads to lower-cost periods and during times that the system is not currently heavily utilized.” However, in situations where there are no—or inadequate—time-varying price signals from the power supply, a TOU rate may not be as effective. CFC can work with you to determine the best EV pricing strategies unique to your cooperative.

As more EVs are sold and charged at home, the Regulatory Affairs team anticipates new system peaks outside of historically traditional peak periods. Strong added, “At some point—in the not too distant future—a new peak period will be created that will require system upgrades to support the additional EV load.” The key question then, is how these additional system costs should be shared among member-customers.

Contact your regional vice president to discuss whether CFC can help your cooperative today.